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The program WF is Copyright (c) 1996-97 WK-Artworks (Andreas Maschke).
All rights reserved.
Commercial use is prohibited, if you want to use it for commercial purposes
you have to get an explicit permission from the author first.
Read all about How to order Wildfire. There are two different versions:
Unregistered Demo-Version:
It is allowed to charge a fee to recover distribution costs, but no profit
may be made by selling or otherwise distributing the program. It is not
allowed to distribute only parts of the package or a modified program.
Regisered Version:
Your registered version (see: How to order ) is coming on CD.
It's strictly forbidden to give the registered version
to other users ! Giving the reg. Version to other users, using reg.
Versions that you did not receive from us for your personal use is
considered as an act of software piracy !
It is not allowed to disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer
any part of one of the Wildfire-related programs.
No guarantee is given nor implied that this program is fit for any use.
The program and the information within this text are provided on "AS-IS"
basis. The entire risk as to its quality and performance is with the user.
In no event will the author be liable for direct, indirect, incidental or
consequential damages resulting from any defect in the program. The author
reserves the right to make changes to the program or the documentation
without notice.